Annual report 2023



Extract from the Audit Commission’s opinion

Following the audit of the financial and economic activities of Joint Stock Company "UTLC ERA" for 2023,

conducted on April 26, 2024, in Moscow,

pursuant to Article 85 of Federal Law No. 208-FZ dated 26.12.1995 "On Joint Stock Companies," and based on the approved work plan of the Audit Commission as per the decision of the Audit Commission (Minutes of March 12, 2024, No. 2), the Commission chaired by E.A. Stepanyan and including members N.V. Lazuta and B.Z. Baitamaeva, performed a scheduled audit of financial and economic activities of Joint Stock Company "UTLC ERA" for 2023.

Based on the audit performed, the Audit Commission confirms the accuracy and reliability of the information presented in the Company’s annual accounting (financial) statements for 2023 and the annual report of JSC "UTLC ERA" for 2023.

  • Chairman of the Audit Commission

    E. A. Stepanyan

  • General Director of JSC "UTLC ERA"

    A. N. Grom

Reference information

Full company name in Russian

Акционерное общество «Объединенная транспортно-логистическая компания — Евразийский железнодорожный альянс»

Abbreviated company name in Russian


Full company name in English

Joint Stock Company "UTLC ERA"

Abbreviated company name in English


Company’s location

Bldg. 7, 8 Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya st., Moscow, 107078

Company’s mailing address

Bldg. 7, 8 Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya st., Moscow, 107078


Joint Stock Company "STATUS" Registrar Company"

Location: Ring Park Business Center, bldg. 1, 23 Novokhokhlovskaya st., Moscow, 109052

  • OGRN (Main State Registration Number) 1027700003924
  • TIN 7707179242
  • Registrar Services License No. 10‑000‑1‑00304 of March 12, 2004, issued by the Federal Service for Financial Markets of the Russian Federation for an unlimited period.
  • Phone: +7 (495) 280-04-87
  • Web address:

External auditor

Limited Liability Company "Center for Audit Technologies and Solutions — Audit Services"

Location: Bldg. 1, 77 Sadovnicheskaya Embankment, Moscow, 115035